Preparing to move? Our Moving To-Do is a valuable resource to help ensure that you are prepared for a smooth move and transition to your new home. If you have any questions about moving, contact one of our agents for more advice. Consider printing or bookmarking this page, to make sure you have completed all of the steps.
Moving To-Do List
Eight Weeks Before
- Create a folder for all documents and information related to your move. Keep all estimates, receipts, and an inventory of all items that you are moving.
- Sort and purge – begin going through each room of your house to determine which items you’d like to keep and what you can get rid of. Will any of your items need special packaging or extra insurance coverage? Consider holding a garage sale or finding a local organization to donate items that you are not bringing to your new location.
- Gather records – begin gathering all medical records, school records, etc for your family. Go to your children’s school and request that their records be transferred to their new location.
- Have valuable items appraised. Take and store pictures of all valuables.
Six Weeks Before
- Hire a Mover – ask friends for recommendations and read online reviews. Get quotes from at least three licensed moving companies. Be sure to ask the following questions.
- How is pricing determined?
- Are on site estimates provided?
- What if any additional fees may arise?
- Is there are insurance offered for valuable items?
- Will the movers pack items
- Request a Signed Contract from moving company.
- Contact insurance company for any additional coverage needed for valuable items.
- Order moving supplies – boxes, box cutters, labels, tape, colored stickers, etc.
Five Weeks Before
- Continue packing infrequently used items. Valuables such as jewelry, should be stored in a protected location and moved personally.
- Begin notifying important parties of your move (Brokers, Banks, Credit Card Companies, Magazine Subscriptions etc)
- Arrange to have medical records sent to new providers, or ask for paper copies.
- Fill out a change of address form at your local post office or by visiting usps.org
Three Weeks Before
- Clean out safe deposit box
- If you are driving a large distance to your new home schedule a tuneup for your vehicle.
- Arrange to have utilities, internet etc turn off at your old home one day after you leave and turned on at your new home one day before you move in.
- Contact a locksmith to schedule a lock change on your new home.
Two Weeks Before
- Arrange to be off work the day of your move.
- Confirm moving arrangements with moving company.
- Pack the bulk of your items.
One Week Before
- Finish packing the majority of your items.
- Refill prescriptions.
- Create a note for movers with your new address and cell phone number.
- Begin preparing appliances for moving.
- Leave a note with your new address for any mail that may need to be forwarded.
- Return all library books, rentals, etc and collect any loaned out items.
- Pack a suitcase with essential items, in case of any unforeseen events.
- Arrange for locksmith to change locks on your new home after you have moved in.
Moving Day
- Do a walk through before the movers arrive to ensure that all items are packed.
- Give keys to real estate agent or landlord.
- Arrange for someone to direct movers at your new home.
- Check items off of your inventory list as they are unloaded.
- Test faucets, phones, smoke detectors etc in your new home.
- If you are satisfied with the service provided by your movers, tip them with cash. Tip each mover individually as opposed to giving the foreman a lump sum. A good rule of thumb for tipping movers is to give $10 per mover, per half day or $20 per full day.